Coloplast Educational Grants and Charitable Donations


Chartiable Donation: A monetary or product donation made for a legitimate or bona fide charitable purpose related to a Healthcare Professional (HCP) or Healthcare organization (HCO) made only to charitable organizations or other non-profit entities with bona fide charitable and/or philanthropic purposes, including mission trips and support of indigent care.

Commercial Sponsorship: A payment or in-kind support provided to a third party in exchange for advertising or promotional opportunities for the Coloplast, for example, a Coloplast exhibit at a third-party program.

Educational Grant: payment or in-kind support to a third-party entity (for example, a third-party program organizer or a training institution) to reduce the costs of providing education, including Fellowships, CME or CEU events, non-accredited meetings, or other meeting or conference with a general education purpose sponsored by Coloplast. An Educational Grant is not offered for Commercial Sponsorship opportunities.

Application and approval process:

All North America Educational Grant or Charitable Donation applications (collectively “Grant Application”) must be submitted to the Grants Committee at least ninety (90) days prior to the start of the proposed activity or educational program in order to allow appropriate review. If you are interested in requesting a Community Grant please visit:

The annual open submission period for Fellowship Grant Requests is January 15th - October 15th. The open period to request a grant for all 2025/2026 Fellowships is now closed.  

The open period to request a grant for all 2026/2027 Fellowships will be January 15th, 2025 - October 15th, 2025.

Although Coloplast receives many worthy requests each year, due to a limited budget, we are unable to grant all requests. As well, previous approval of a specific grant request does not indicate future approval and the amount approved can be less than requested.

North America Grants Applications can be completed by the applicant using the on-line Educational Grant or Charitable Donation Application form and submitted directly to The Grant Application form outlines the required supplemental documents and information necessary for a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the Grants Committee. There is no guarantee that any or all of the amount requested will be granted. Coloplast may reject, approve in full or approve a lower amount than requested, at its absolute discretion.

Coloplast employees and sales representatives may not agree to make an Educational Grant, Charitable Donation, or to approve a proposed Grant Application prior to the consideration of a request by the Grants Committee and may not offer to influence the Grant Committee on behalf of any applicant. Under no circumstances may a Coloplast employee or sales representative state or suggest to a customer or potential customer that an Educational Grant or Charitable Donation may be available in connection with the purchase or order of any Coloplast products.

The Grants Committee will meet periodically as needed to review complete applications and will either approve or deny Fellowship, Grant Applications received since the previous Grants Committee meeting.

Educational Grants and Charitable Donations will only be issued directly from the Grants Committee to the grantee organization.

Coloplast will maintain records of all Grant Applications, whether approved or not, and the decisions of the Grants Committee.

Do not assume an application has been approved. Applicants will receive notification of approval or denial after the Coloplast Grants Committee has made its decision.

Selection criteria

What does the Grant Committee consider when reviewing Educational Grant applications? The decision to give Educational Grants to a Health Care Organization must be based on objective criteria. Coloplast will include the following criteria in the assessment: Read more about criteria in the assessment

Event program: The event program should relate to medical practice areas that Coloplast is involved in or interested in. To the extent the Educational Grant funds will be used to send a Healthcare Professional to the event, the Healthcare Professional’s specialty or medical practice should sufficiently relate to the program agenda or content to justify the attendance. Entertainment should not dominate or interfere with the overall scientific content of the program and should not be the main attraction of the Third Party Organized Event.

Venue and Location: The event location and venue should be conducive to the exchange of ideas and transmission of knowledge and should not become the main attraction of the Event. Coloplast must take into account potential adverse public perceptions of the location and venue for the Event. The perceived image of the location and venue should not be luxury, or tourist/holiday-oriented, or that of an entertainment venue.

Guests: Educational Grants provided by Coloplast cannot be used to facilitate or pay for any expenses related to guests of a Healthcare Professional.

Accommodation, travel, and other services: Accommodation, hospitality, travel and other services must always be reasonable and modest in nature and should not cover a period of stay beyond the official duration of the Event. Educational Grants should not be used for payment or reimbursement of Healthcare Professionals’ lodging expenses at top category or luxury hotels.


North America Policy:

Educational Grants: Where permitted under national laws, regulations and professional codes of conduct, Coloplast may provide Educational Grants for the advancement of genuine medical education.

Educational Grants provided by Coloplast may never be contingent in any way on past, present or potential future purchase, lease, recommendation, prescription, use, supply or procurement of Coloplast's products or services.

Coloplast does not provide Educational Grants to individual Healthcare Professionals or Canadian Government Officials. Where the Educational Grant is provided for the purpose of supporting Healthcare Professionals' attendance at Third Party Organized Educational Events, the Healthcare Organization receiving the Grant shall be solely responsible for selection of participants and this shall be expressly reflected in the written Grant agreement.

All Educational Grant requests must be submitted through the Grant Request Process. Grants may only be approved by the Grant Committee.

Charitable Donations: Where permitted under national laws, regulations and professional codes of conduct Charitable Donations will only be made to organizations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or a registered charity in Canada to support bona fide charitable, educational, or scientific activities, including indigent care, patient or public education.


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