Living with bladder problems

There are a number of available options to manage urinary problems depending on your condition.

Taking care of your bladder

Keeping your bladder healthy is important. There are different options available to you to help manage bladder problems depending on your condition. How to take care of your bladder

Taking care of your bladder

Bladder problems must be properly managed, if left untreated they could result in serious health issues. 

There are many options available to help manage bladder problems:

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to help reduce urinary incontinence.

  • Slowly contract and lift the pelvic floor muscles and hold the position for five seconds, then release
  • Quickly contract and release the pelvic floor muscles

You will need to do the exercises regularly and it may take several months before you see a significant improvement.

Bladder retraining

Bladder retraining to help reduce urinary incontinence aims to gradually stretch the bladder so that it can hold larger volumes of urine.


Clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) is an effective bladder management technique based on the regular and complete emptying of the bladder by using a catheter. People who catheterize to empty their bladder typically need to do so 4-6 times a day.  Learn more about Coloplast catheters for men and women).


Remember, users performing self-catheterization should always follow the advise of their healthcare provider.

Collecting systems (for men)

For men who leak urine (male incontinence), male external catheters (often called “urisheaths” or “condom catheters”) are an effective and comfortable solution to manage leakage. The male external catheter is worn over the penis and is connected to a urine bag fastened to the leg. Learn more about Coloplast products for male incontinence.

Lifestyle changes

For some people, managing symptoms may include lifestyle changes such as changing  the diet to reduce constipation or reducing the consumption of caffeinated beverages. Planning out fluid intake at certain times may also be helpful so the need to urinate is more convenient and doesn’t coincide with excursions in public or sleeping at night.


Drugs and medications are prescribed for all types of incontinence, but they are generally most useful for urge incontinence, particularly when combined with pelvic floor exercises and bladder training. Stress incontinence is usually managed without medication.


A variety of surgical procedures are available for the treatment of bladder problems. Deciding which procedure, if any, you use depends on the type and cause of incontinence.

Find out more*

A number of Coloplast products are available to help manage bladder problems:

*Users performing self-catheterization should follow the advice of their physician. 

** These are general guidelines meant to help you with typical questions you have about bladder issues and management. You should always follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider and the bladder management solution you use.

Frequently asked questions about bladder problems

Frequently asked questions about bladder problems

Find answers to the most common questions about bladder problems and management. FAQs about bladder problems

Frequently asked questions

This FAQ is intended as a guide to commonly asked questions.  You should always consult your health care provider regarding any bladder issues you are experiencing. 

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is the medical term for being unable to control the release of urine. 

What is neurogenic bladder? 

Neurogenic bladder refers to a condition where neurological damage has led to bladder dysfunction.

What are the signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence?

Some typical signs and symptoms include:

  • Involuntary leakage of urine without warning or without feeling the need to go to the toilet
  • Involuntary leakage of urine when sneezing, coughing, laughing or exercising
  • A sudden urge to rush to the toilet either before or when leaking urine
  • The need to get up to pass urine two or more times a night (nocturia)

What causes urinary incontinence?

Potential causes include:

  • Damage or weakness to the muscles in the pelvic floor (most commonly due to pregnancy and childbirth)
  • Problems with the control of the bladder muscle (bladder overactivity and bladder underactivity)
  • Neurogenic conditions that affect the voluntary release of urine (e.g. spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis or  spina bifida)
  • Enlarged prostate gland 
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Type 2 diabetes

Is urinary incontinence a natural part of aging?

It's important to know that not everyone experiences bladder problems and issues with urinary incontinence as they get older. Although incontinence becomes more common with advancing age, it is not just older people who are affected. Effective solutions are available, so it should not stop you from living a full and active life, whatever your age. 

Can I still have a social life with urinary incontinence?

It is possible to manage incontinence effectively. A doctor or nurse should be able to help find a solution that makes it possible to continue a social life and everyday activities. 

Can urinary incontinence be treated?

Most types of incontinence can be treated or improved through lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, bladder training, medication or surgery. If a cure is not possible,or a temporary solution is required, products such as catheters, male external catheters (for men) or absorbent products may be very helpful in managing your symptoms.

What is a catheter?

A catheter can be used to ensure the bladder is completely emptied. It is a slim, flexible tube that is inserted into the bladder through the urethra enabling the urine to drain.

Learn more about Coloplast catheters

Why is it important to empty my bladder?

If your bladder is not emptied regularly, it can cause urinary tract infections. These start in the bladder but can move back to the kidneys and cause serious renal damage. Even small amounts of urine left in the bladder can cause infections. 

Can I drink less so that I do not have to empty my bladder so often?

No. It is very important that you drink enough to keep the urinary system healthy. An adult should drink approximately 1500 mL per day and take in a total of about 3 liters including liquids in the daily diet or as instructed by your health care provider.

How can I tell if I have an urinary tract infection?

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection vary and may be subtle. They include:

  • Dark-colored and strong-smelling urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Fever/sweating
  • Bladder spasms
  • Increased muscle contractions in your leg

If you have any of the above symptoms, talk with your healthcare provider immediately.

What is the cause of frequent urinary tract infections?

Catheterization can cause urinary tract infections. However, compared to other catheter types such as permanent (indwelling) catheters, intermittent catheters are less likely to cause complications as compared to indwelling catheters.

How can I prevent catheter related urinary tract infections?

There are ways to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections from catheters:

  • Ensure you have clean hands and equipment when catheterizing
  • Drink sufficient amount of fluid during the day to wash out the urinary tract
  • Make sure that the bladder is fully emptied every time you catheterize
  • Speak to your healthcare provider about your catheterization frequency and technique

Find out more

View our catheterization guides

Learn more about products for managing urinary incontinence


These are general guidelines meant to help you with typical questions. You should follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider and the intermittent catheterization solution you are using. 


More information about SpeediCath Compact Male


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