Contact a Coloplast Representative

Please use the contact information below to help us connect you with a Coloplast Representative to receive an American College of Surgeons (ACS) Ostomy Home Skills Kit.

These kits provide patients with comprehensive, interactive materials to enable learning and practicing of the skills needed for good postoperative recovery. Patients that use the kit have more confidence in managing their ostomy than patients who do not use the kit. Further, those patients also use 42% fewer additional services(1) and 50% decrease in emergency room use(1), compared with those not using the kits in their first three weeks post-discharge.

  1. Heneghan KC, McGee MF, Bailey HR, Sachdeva AK, Daly JM, Davis E, Colwell JC. Ostomy Home Skills Kit (OSHK) Is Effective at Preparing Patients to Confidently Manage Their Postoperative Recovery. Journal of Cancer Education. 2015;30(3):S320-21.

To get in touch with your representative call 1-855-863-3912 to have your rep contact you, or email:


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