Sourcing and Supplying Ostomy Solutions

You can count on Coloplast as a partner, as we seek to reduce your overall ostomy supply costs and improve patient outcomes & satisfaction scores.


Simplified Formulary with Improved Outcomes

Without the right ostomy care solutions, 30-day ostomy readmissions could end up costing your facility major costs per re-admittance1. So even though ostomy may be a low-spend category, without a successful continuum of care, patient complications could end up affecting your bottom line.




Additionally, lots of SKUs can be challenging to facilities, with each one averaging a $2,000 carrying cost2. And more variants in SKUs can cause more variants in ways of delivering care. With our simplified product formulary Coloplast has shown to reduce a facility’s SKU count by 60 percent and increased patient satisfaction by 25%3.

Proven Success

Ostomy Care is the 2nd leading cause of 30-day readmission rates in the United States, second only to kidney transplants. Through product innovation, a comprehensive support program and cost savings initiatives, Coloplast products have been shown to reduce readmission rates by 30% and ER visits by 45%.4


Our patient support program Coloplast Care has also shown to improve patient quality of life with 83% of those enrolled saying the program improved their stoma-related quality of life.5



  1. Wicks, EC, et al. Readmission rates and cost following colorectal surgery, Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 2011 Dec; 54(12):1475-9. $9,000 average cost per readmission.
  2. Estimation based on materials theory-based calculation of inventory costs (25% on-hand inventory) & estimated inventory
  3. Helder, Darcy, et al. Measuring system impact by Improving the Ostomy patient experience from a product standardization project in 13-Hospital Integrated Delivery Network in the Midwest. Poster Presentation at June 2017 WOCN Conference.
  4. Rojanasarot, S., The Impact of a Readily Available, Post-Discharge Support Program for Ostomy Surgery Patients on Preventable Health Care Utilization, published in Jan/Feb 2018 JWOCN
  5. Coloplast Market Study, 2013, data on file.


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