Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is a condition marked by penile curvature, with or without pain upon erection. 

Peyronie’s disease is a condition than can appear in men of all ages and that results in deformities of the penis. Erectile dysfunction is found to occur in up to 90% of men with Peyronie’s disease.


Tutoplast Processed Pericardium

Tutoplast Processed Pericardium

Tutoplast processed Pericardium is cadaveric pericardium allograft tissue sterilized by the Tuttoplast® process, and may be used in surgical penile reconstruction for Peyronie’s Disease. Learn more about Tutoplast Processed Pericardium


1. FAQs - RTI

2. Histology of Surgically Implanted Tutoplast Processed Dermis, 4883, David Greenspan.

Tutoplast is the registered trademark of Tutogen Medical GmbH

Coloplast Pericardium Allograft Tissue is preserved, donated cadaveric human tissue that has been sterilized through the Tutoplast® Tissue Sterilization Process. These Allografts conform easily and flattens against irregular surface profiles, thereby providing a scaffold for the body’s natural regenerative healing (1, 2).

The Tutoplast® process inactivates and sterilizes human tissue, minimizing the risk of transmission of infectious diseases and preserving it for surgical implantation. This is done through cleaning, processing, dehydration and preservation. Organic material is removed, tissue integrity is preserved, and antigenic potential is minimized.

Learn more about the Tutoplast Processed Pericardium 


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